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Hospice & End of Life Support Care

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice is the term used for the special care that a dying person needs. It is a compassionate way to care for dying person and their families.


RIGHT ACCORD caregivers can support hospice care seven days a week or 24 hours a day. Hospice care may be provided in a hospital, at a facility, or in the home. A hospice can be any location where a person who is dying is treated with dignity by caregivers.

RIGHT ACCORD's A-Team of caregivers receives special training and additional in service trainings from Tidewell Hospice team of professionals who are experts in Hospice Care.

How in-home care helps with hospice care?

Encourage client to participate in life decision making as long as possible

Focus on relieving pain and making client as comfortable as possible

Encourage independence as long as possible

Provide break to family members who may be experiencing excessive stress

Offer support groups and services

Providing total comfort for the client rather than focusing on recovery

Being a good listener is a big help to client and his or her family

Allow client make choices when possible such as whether to bathe now or later, or what to eat or drink

Provide respect and privacy to client and family


Our certified hospice home health aides and nursing assistants are able to provide:

Personal care such as bathing, dressing and grooming

Oral care and care of nose and mouth

Incontinence Care

Feeding Assistance

Repositioning in bed for comfort

Provide skin care

Assist with pain relief

Give massages for comfort

Display favorite objects where clients can easily see them

Keep room temperature comfortable

Keep room softly lighted without glare

Provide emotional and spiritual support

And more